Main Menu
- Home
- News
- Affenstunde
- In den Garten Pharaos
- Hosianna Mantra
- Seligpreisung
- Einsjäger & Siebenjäger
- Das Hohelied Salomos
- Aguirre
- Letzte Tage, letzte Nachte
- Herz aus Glass
- Brüder des Schattens, Söhne des Lichts
- Nosferatu (Brain)
- Nosferatu (Egg)
- Die Nacht der Seele
- Sei Still, wisse ICH BIN
- Agape Agape Love Love
- Spirit of Peace
- Cobra Verde
- For you and me
- City Raga
- Shepherd’s Symphony
- Messa di Orfeo
- Kailash
2 on 1 Editions & Boxes
- Discover Cosmic
- In The Gardens of Pharao / Aguirre
- Hosianna Mantra / In den Gärten Pharaos
- Tantric Songs / Hosianna Mantra
- The Two Soundtracks of Werner Herzog's Nosferatu
- Affenstunde / Die Nacht der Seele
- Aguirre / In den Gärten Pharaos
- Seligpreisung / Das Hohelied Salomos
- Einsjäger & Siebenjäger / Letzte Tage, Letzte Nächte
- Sei still, wisse ICH BIN / Agape Agape. Love Love
- Soundtracks for Werner Herzog
- On The Way To The Himalaya
- Popol Vuh 1-2, 3-4
- Nosferatu
- Popol Vuh cd1 cd2 cd3
- Hosianna Mantra Boxset
- The Werner Herzog Soundtracks
- Seligpreisung - Box
- Nosferatu Boxset
- Nosferatu (Wah Wah)
- Nosferatu The Vampyre
- The Essential Album Collection Vol.1
- Vol.2 - Acoustic & Ambient Spheres
Popol Vuh Compilations
- Perlenklänge
- Tantric Songs
- Music from Werner Herzog Film Soundtracks
- Nosferatu: The Vampire
- Aguirre
- Gesang der Gesänge
- BEST OF POPOL VUH: Fitzcarraldo - Cobra Verde - Nosferatu, Phantom der Nacht - Gasherbrum - Aguirre
- Popol Vuh - Florian Fricke
- The Best Soundtracks from Werner Herzog Films
- Sing for song drives away the wolves
- BEST OF POPOL VUH: From The Films of Werner Herzog
- 1994: The Best
- Movie Music
- Nicht Hoch im Himmel (4)
- 70s Progressive
- Revisited & Remixed: 1970-1999
Compilations with Popol Vuh
- Cafe Exil - New Adventures In European Music 1972-1980
- Deutsche Elektronische Musik 3
- Neu Decade (Mojo Presents A Compendium Of Modern European Music: 1970-1979)
- Krautrock 3 – Original Album Series
- Brain the Box: Cerebral Souns of Brain Records 1972-1979
- Space Rock: An Instellar Traveler’s Guide
- Microcosm
- A Bigger Splash (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
- A Crushing Glow
- Röyskopp
- The Best of Krautrock
- Deutsche Elektronische Musik - 2
- Elektronische Musik - Experimental German Rock and Electronic Music 1972-83
- Celestial Voyage
- Krautrock - Music for your Brain Vol.II
- Cannes, Amours, Rêves et Passions
- 2007 Festival de Cannes 60th Anniversary
- New Age Music & New Sounds
- Odd Nosdam – Le Mix Ambient
- Great TV & Movie Themes
- Headwaters - An Attempted Explanation Of 'Mount Eerie' By The Microphones
- Pure Relaxation
- Musik zum deutschen Film: Vol. 2: 1946 - 2000
- Made in Germany: Die 100 besten Deutschen Platten
- Krautrockzeit - Die Kult Klassiker!
- Les Etoiles de Cinema
- Berlinale 2000 - Original Music from 50 Years of Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin
- Mitten ins Ohr
- Electric Psychedelic Sitar Headswirlers Vol.2 (2)
- Tonart - Krautrock
- The World of Krautrock
- Cannes Film Festival: 50 Years of Music and Songs
- Produced Music 1966 - 1996
- Listen to the Planet
- Transmutazioni
- Music for your Soul
- Exotic Sounds from Many Worlds
- Space Box - 1970 & Beyond: Space, Krautrock & Acid Trips
- Kenny Loggins / Popol Vuh / Azzaf
- La Fabuleuse Histoire du Rock Progressif
- Musique Mechanique
- Moods
- Meditation
- Silent Moments
- 4AD Artpop Vol. I (Bizarre Some) & 4AD Artpop Vol.IV (Vision)
- Music for Relaxation, Meditation and Concentration Vol. III
- Music for Relaxation, Meditation and Concentration
- Monografie vol.1 - La Musica Elettronica
- United States of Germany
- Classical Film Music
- Music for Relaxation - Meditation and Concentration - Vol.1
- Tonwellen 1970 - 1990
- From Across this Grey Land
- Horror and Science Fiction Film Music - Vol.3
- Sabor do Brasil - Vol.1
- Earth's Answer
- Keys of Life
- Open Your Ears Again: The Best of German Krautrock
- Burning the Midnight Sun
- Egg Sampler
- Cosmic Kraut Hits Vol.1
- Cosmic Kraut Hits
- Take your Headphones
- This is Quadrophonic Sound
- Kosmische Musik
- Electric Rock 71
- Garcia Peoples
- Khan Tengri
- Inside the Cloud
- Doctor Club/Cros Record
- Marco Lucchi
- No Strange
- Interiors feat Serena Fortebracccio
- Carlos Nino & Friends
- Valerio Cosi
- Amarok Czukay
- Plebeian
- Adamennon
- Mount Eerie
- Zenith: Unto the Stars
- Jim Tetlow
- International Feel Studio
- Locrian
- The 1979 Foundation of Black Arts presents In The Garden Pharao
- Skullcaster
- Ooga Boogas
- Josh Marshall
- Endless Blizzard
- Gary Lucas vs The Dark Poets
- Mike Vainio / Haswell & Hecker
- My Education
- Ars Ludi
- Erebus
- Spiral Joy Band
- The Frames
- Stefano Giannotti
- Das Zeichen
- Abelcain vs. Cdatakill
- Drona Parva / Ultrasound
- Gary Lucas
- Alice
- Sin Ta
- Njurmännen
- Gary Lucas - Skeleton at the Feast
- Empty House
- Widder
- wixerman
- Al Gromer Khan - Zuban
- magic brother mystic sister
- Luca Ricatti
- Brian Fergus - Ukulele Fantasy on ‘Aguirre the Wrath of God’
Tributes and Allusions
- Roy Montgomery
- Crow with no Mouth
- Unfolk
- Urthona
- Christina Curiel
- Jorgen Lamb
- Thunderbolt Pagoda
- Kerry Leimer
- Baby Blue Aura
- Mathias Grassow
- Kevin O'Neill
- Les Dupont
- Mandible Chatter
- Black Mountain
- Jan St.Werner
- Marco Lucchi - Kosmische
- Flying Saucer Attack - Instrumentals
- Tempel Rytmik / MPJT
- Il Ballo delle Castange
- Manfred Miersch
- Stephan Matthieu
- Stygian Stride
- Endless Funeral
- The Gateless
- Causa Sui
- Christian Tiger School
- CFCF - The Sign of Life
- Barn Owl
- Zodiac Free Arts Club
- CFCF - The River
- White Hills
- Ephemerol
- Funeral Mist
- Meltmaster
- Salakapakka Sound System
- Endgame
- Pest
- Nobu Stowe - Lee Pembleton Project
- Pantha du Prince
- Kawabata Makoto
- Valerio Cosi & Enzo Franchini
- Alessandro Monti
- Al Gromer Kahn
- Maja S.K. Ratkje & Lasse Marhaug
- Antiguo Automata Mexicano
- Sulphur
- Deathprod
- Postnuclear Deathmass
- Fit & Limo
- Pig Destroyer
- Opeth
- Skye Monro
- Piero Pelù
- Liviano Mos
- Stylus
- Tarentel
- Incredible Expanding Mindfuck
- Pete Namlook & Peter Prochier
- Damon & Naomi with Ghost
- The Silverman
- Flying Saucer Attack
- Empirical Sleeping Consort
- Lustmord
- Cabaret Voltaire
- Porcupine Tree
- Charalambides
- Zone
- Savage Republic
- Einstürzende Neubauten
- Kate Bush
- MB (Maurizio Bianchi)
- Cocteau Twins
- Adelbert von Deyen
- Joy Division
- Michael William Gilbert
- Genesis
- Flying Saucer Attack (2)
- tarotplane
- The Amethyst Sea
- Edward Ruchalski
- Taras Bulba - Vuh pt.1 / Vuh pt.2
- Bettina
- Du sollst Lieben / Ave Maria
- Tangerine Dream - Zeit
- Gila - Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee
- Seligpreisung Live
- Concerto a Milano - 1975
- Yoga
- Die Erde und Ich sind Eins
- Fitzcaraldo
- Florian Fricke spielt Mozart
- Persephone
- City Raga - Singles
- Future Sound Experience
- Popol Vuh Beyond - Requiem for Florian Fricke
- Popol Vuh - Kha
- Popol Vuh Beyond - Requiem for Florian Fricke (F.Fiedler & F.Wieland)
- Popol Vuh Beyond - Abstract & Reality
- For You and me - Promo Mini-CD
- Filmography
- Research
- Writings by Florian Fricke
- Musik - zum Hören
- News
- Popol Vuh über Popol Vuh
- Popol Vuh - Selbstbildnis
- Du und deine 7 millionen Gefühle oder Musik liegt in der Luft
- Popol Vuh - Klangmillionäre auf dem Dorf
- Small Entries on 'Popol Vuh'
- Popol Vuh (Bravo)
- Popul Vuh über Popul Vuh
- Popol Vuh - ein neuer Sound
- Siegfried Arising
- showroom
- Kosmische Reise
- [ no title ]
- Popol Vuh: la cosmogonia
- Der Gewürzgarten Salomons
- Wort, Gesang, Klang
- Three interviews
- Musik ist für mich
- Popol Vuh - Musik als Form des Gebets
- Drei deutsche Gruppen
- Popol Vuh: muziek als geneesmiddel
- Deutscher Rock auf eigenen Füssen
- Popol Vuh: Barock-Kirche
- Popol Vuh - Ihre Musik ist ein Kirche
- Gila schwelgt in Romantik-Gefilden
- Schlachten mit Musik
- Studiomusik auf der Bühne
- Gila - Indianer-Freund im Knast
- Filmrolle für Popol Vuh
- Popol Vuh e Cacciapaglia a Milano
- La Religiosita Eclettica
- Popol Vuh - Il suono Biblico
- Popol Vuh - Maya-kansan
- Pop Tedesco - Popol Vuh
- L'ora della scimmia
- Rock in Deutschland
- Florian Fricke - Fernost-Musik für Nosferatu
- Popol Vuh - A Cosmic Decade
- Die Nacht der Seele (Neumusik)
- Popol Music - a clearer Vuh-point
- Deep Popol
- Time zones
- Loops along the River
- Valerio Cosi on 'Valerio Cosi plays 'Popol Vuh'
- Klang der revolte
- Klaus Wiese interview
- Popul Vuh über Popul Vuh (Musik-Express)
- Popol Vuh (Empire)
- song of songs
- Popol Vuh - Jenseits aller Stilrichtungen
- Top of the Popols
- Popol Vuh - Aussenseiterin unter Aussenseitern
- Kraut-Guru - Zum Tod des Musikers und Kritikers Florian Fricke
- Das Horn Gottes - Zum Tod des Rockmusikers Florian Fricke
- Deutscher Pop-Pionier Florian Fricke tot
- Popol Vuh (Il Mucchio)
- Popol Vuh
- Werner Herzog in Bamberg
- Der Moog-Synthesizer - eine neue Welt tut sich auf
- Das Alphabet des Körpers
- Popol Vuh Fricked Out
- Fitzcarraldo: Musik von Popol Vuh
- Florian Fricke
- Popol Vuh (Your Flesh)
- Die Münchener Gruppe
- Affenstunde (review)
- Popol Vuh beschreiben "Gärten Pharaos"
- In den Gärten Pharaos (review)
- Vom Moog zu Mozart - Florian Fricke
- Besser nicht
- POPOL VUH - Das Hohelied Salomo's
- Popol Vuh - Seligpreisung
- Small entries in Sounds
- POPOL VUH (Wah Wah-insert)
- Seligpreisung - Popol Vuh
- Small entries from diverse sources
- Renaissance für den Krautrock
- Moog ist Mode
- promosheet Affenstunde
- Popol Vuh (Aura)
- Promosheet 'Spirit of Peace'
- Le Magiche Alchimie dei Popol Vuh
- Die Macht des Moog
- Neue Formation und neue LP Veröffentlichung
- King of the Mountain: Popol Vuh - Kailash
- The Soundtracks of Eternity
- POPOL VUH In den Gärten Pharaos POP2000
- Un sound fra la bibbia e i crauti
- Sei Still - Sounds
- Agape Love - Sounds
- Popol Vuh - Offbeat
- Popol Vuh - Mandala
- The Bob Degen Trio - Celebrations
- Brüder des Schattens - Söhne des Lichts (4 reviews)
- Luca Ricatti
- The Beginning
- Baumburg and later
- The Lindau Project interview
- Popol Vuh (crystal)
- Popol Vuh - L'ora della scimmia-
- login
- Sitemap
- Photoalbum
- Me and Popol Vuh
- Profile
- Introduction
- Popol Vuh über Popol Vuh
- Abstract & Reality
- Bob Degen Trio - Celebrations
- Cambridge Companion
- Popol Vuh - In den Gärten Pharaos
- Florian Fricke