The Innovative Communication label was started by Klaus Schulze in 1978, a label – no wonder - dedicated to electronic music.
The label did one rerelease (‘Affenstunde’) and one new release (‘Sie still, wisse ICH BIN ‘)
In 1984 the label was sold to Da-music, and the records from the IC-catalogue received a Racket Records catalogue number.
I only know of a Racket-release of 'Sei Still, Wisse ICH bin'.
Innovative Communication produced also several ‘videoclips’. They were produced in the IC Video Studio since 1979.
Also one featuring Popol Vuh: ‘Gemeinsan Tranken sie den Wein’.
For a short while this video was available on youtube (2013).
Alas it was a copy of very poor quality. In the first part of the video we see Daniel Fichelscher playing guitar, to be followed by Florian Fricke playing piano.
See stills below.
The movie ‘Sei Still, Wisse ICH bin‘ was released ten years later by Hermann Bauer Verlag (1991), and by Spalax in 1996
IC 58 159 - Affenstunde
KS 80007 – Sei Still, Wisse ICH Bin
Racket Records RRK 15029 – Sei Still, Wisse ICH Bin
In 'Aus Deutschen Landen - Musikdiscographie'(1993), compiled by Achim Groh, includes the catalogue of Innovative Communication (see below). It makes mentioning of:
80034 - Spirit of Pease - 1982
It seems this album was planned as a release on this label, but it appeared by Cicadao Records (001, 1985) and Base Records (KS 80 034, 1986)