DLP: Fruits de Mer Records - 2012
Side 1:
Intro - Eroc
Waterfall (Jane) - Johnny Vines
Paramechanical World (Amon Duul I) - Earthling Society
Surrounded By The Stars (Amon Duul II) - Jay Tausig
Madrigal Meridian (Tangerine Dream) - Electric Moon
Trans Europe Express (Kraftwerk) - Anla Courtis
Side 2:
Nearby Shiras (Kalacakra) - Vibravoid
Lila Engel (originally by Neu!) - Palace of Swords
I Want More (Can) - Saturn's Ambush
Silver Cloud (La Dusseldorf) - Frobisher Neck Heads South By Weaving
Ruckstoss Gondoliere (Kraftwerk) - Dead Sea Apes
Side 3:
Mushroom (Can) - Language of Light
Bayreuth Return (Klaus Schulze) - Black Tempest
Mantra II (Popol Vuh) - Zenith: Unto The Stars
Negativland (Neu!) - Temple Music
Side 4:
Schizo (Ash Ra Tempel) - Frobisher Neck
Dino (Harmonia) - Vert:x
Lied An Zons (Arno Clauss) - Electric Orange
China (Electric Sandwich) - The Bevis Frond

3CD: Fruits de Mer crustacean 79 - 2017
CD 1:
Eroc - Introduction (Joachim Ehrig)
Johnny Vines - Waterfall (Jane)
Palace Of Swords - Lila Engel (Neu!)
Dead Sea Apes - Rückstoß Gondoliere (Kraftwerk)
Vert:x - Dino (Harmonia)
Vibravoid - Nearby Shiras (Kalacakra)
Zenith:Unto The Stars - Mantra II (Popol Vuh)
Earthling Society - Paramechanical World (Amon Duul I)
Temple Music - Negativland (Neu!)
Black Tempest - Bayreuth Return (Schulze)
Language Of Light - Mushroom (Can)
Anla Courtis - Trans Europe Express [New Mix] (Kraftwerk)
Frobisher Neck - Schizo (Ash Ra Tempel)
Saturn's Ambush - I Want More (Can)
CD 2:
Jay Tausig - Surrounded By The Stars [New Mix] (Amon Duul II)
Electric Moon - Madrigal Meridian (Tangerine Dream)< br/> Frobisher Neck Heads South By Weaving - Silver Cloud (La Dusseldorf)< br/> Electric Orange - Lied An Zons (Arno Clauss)
Black Tempest - Rubycon Part 1 (Tangerine Dream)
Vespero - J`Ai Mal Aux Dents (Faust)
Frobisher Neck - To Another Universe (Brainticket)
Vibravoid - Mother Sky [New Mix] (Can)
Cranium Pie's Research Baking Station - Black Sand [New Mix] (Brainticket)
Helicon - Hallogallo (Neu!)
Frobisher Neck - Isi (Neu!)
Vespero - Jennifer (Faust)
CD 3:
Astralasia - Brainticket (Brainticket)
Ax Genrich And Sunhair - Starship Memory (Ax Genrich)
The Bevis Frond - China (Electric Sandwich)