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with Popol Vuh:

1970 Affenstunde
1972 In den Garten Pharaos
1972 Du sollst Lieben / Ave Maria
1975 Das Hohelied Salomos
1977 Herz aus Glass
1983 Agape Agape Love Love
1983 Florian Fricke - Die Erde un Ich sind Eins
1990 Sing, for Song drives away the Wolves
1991 For you and me
1991 Florian Fricke spielt Mozart
1995 City Raga
1995 Kailash - Pilgerfahrt zum Thron der Götter
1997 Shepherd's Symphony
1999 Messa di Orfeo

as Popol Vuh Beyond:

2019 Requiem for Florian Fricke
2021 Abstract & Reality


2005 Nekropolis 23 - Tidal Shift (dvd)
2006 Frank Fiedler & Guido Hieronymus - Instant Enlightment - Sound Gobelin for the Intellectuals

1996-1999 Working with Marc-Christian Witt (†) on the 'Mugnala'-project.


Visit his own website:
See also: Youtube ('Supernatural-Instant Enlightment')


Born on april 25th, 1945 in Kiel.
He studied at the ‘Deutschen Film- und Fernsehakademie’ in Berlin (1968-71), where he specialized himself as a cameraman and cutter. He took supplementary education on filmcompositing and filmdirection.
As a cameraman he contributed - up till today - to dozens of movies, documentaries and theatre registrations. Among his first works is a documentary on Pasolini by Karin Ehret (1969).
Besides he directed and wrote scripts for several documentaties and films like for example:

‘Das Rad der Wiederkehr. Buddha in den Bergen' (1994)
A documentary produced for Norddeutscher Rundfunk in cooperation with Jan Lorck.

‘Jonuschas’ (2004)
A film about Eduardas Jonusas, Lithuanian painter, sculptor, philosopher and poet.

Also in 2004, Frank Fiedler filmed Nekropolis 23 - a band of Peter Frohmader - live in a studio session, and made the recording ready for videorelease ('Tidal Shift').

For Popol Vuh Frank Fiedler contributed as cameraman:

'Kailash, Pilgerfahrt zum Thron der Götter' (1995)
'Messa di Orfeo' (1999)


His most intensive work with Popol Vuh took place at the beginning and in the last phase of the band. In between we find him incidentally involved with some of the other Popol Vuh albums:

1. 1969-1972

‘Affenstunde’ (1970) - Frank Fiedler: synthesizer - mixdown**
‘In den Garten Pharaos’ (1971) - Frank Fiedler - Moog-synthesizer-mixdown
Djong Yun - 'Du sollst Lieben / Ave Maria' (1972) - Produziert von Frank Fiedler

2. 1975

‘Das Hohelied Salomos’ (1975) - Electronics: Florian Fricke, Frank Fiedler, Robert Wedel

Wedel worked with Donna Summer and Giorgio Moroder.

3. 1977

‘Herz aus Glass’ (1977) - Engineer: Frank Fiedler, Robert Wedel, Hardy Bank

3. 1983

‘Agape Agape Love Love’ (1983) - Co-worker: Frank Fiedler

One of the other co-workers is Jan Lorck-Schierning with whom Fiedler produced the documentary ‘Rad des Wiederkehrs’ (1994). Jan Lorck-Schierning is also chanting on:

‘Die Erde und Ich sind Eins’ (1983) - Recorded by Frank Fiedler

4. 1991-1993

‘For you and me’ - Executive Producers: Florian Fricke and Frank Fiedler

K: Ein Mann, nämlich Frank Fiedler ist von Anfang an mit Popol Vuh verbunden, schon damals, als ihr im alten Pfarrhof von Peterskirchen so etwas wie eine Musikkommune wart, und jetzt - bei ‘For you and me’ als Mitproduzent.
F: Frank Fiedler ist immer dabei nicht als Musiker, sondern als jemand der - ich möchte jetzt nicht sagen: “wie Goethe und Eckermann” - über gewisse außermusikalische Fragen, die bei der Musikproduktion oft genau so wichtig sind, mit mir reden kann und mir dann im Studio auch manchmal hilft, da er wesentlich mehr von Technik versteht als ich.(Keyboards)

‘Florian Fricke spielt Mozart’ (1991) - Supervisor und Produzent: Frank Fiedler
‘Sing, for Song Drives Away the Wolves’ (1993) - Produced by Florian Fricke & Frank Fiedler. Cover Design: Frank Fiedler, Florian Fricke.

5. 1995- 1999

‘Kailash-Pilgerfahrt zum Thron der Götter’ (1995) - Camera: Frank Fiedler
‘City Raga’ (1995) - Produced by Florian Fricke / Frank Fiedler
‘Shepherds Symphony’ (1997) - Popol Vuh are Florian Fricke, Frank Fiedler, Guido Hieronymus
‘Messa di Orfeo’ (1999) - Video production by Frank Fiedler

6. 2004-2006

Frank Fiedler did an immense job with restoring and digital remastering of 19 Popol Vuhfor for SPV.


Other musical activies by Frank Fiedler are rare:


Between 1996 and 1999 he worked with Marc-Christian Witt († 2007), a young musician from Munich. In the ‘Mugnala’- project they worked together on a concept of ambientmusic. It was not released.
In 1999 Witt moved to Berlin where he worked as a DJ and producer under the name of Ambitronic (techno and ambient). He sadly died in 2007.


Fiedler became associated with Guido Hieronymus during the remixing for ‘Sing, for Song Drives Away the Wolves’ (1993).
In 2006 they joint forces for ‘Instant Enlightment - soundGobelin for the intellectuals’. This collaboration had its follow up with ‘Buddhas Herz’.


In 2019 Fiedler started with Guido Hieronymus and Biljana Pais the project Popol Vuh Beyong in tribute to Florian Fricke. In 2020 this collaboration came to an end.