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Bell Musik released four Popol Vuh albums in 1990-1991.

´Florian spielt Mozart´ is the only original album released by this label and has Fricke playing works by Mozart

´The Best Soundtracks from Werner Herzog Films´ is a rerelease the compilation ´Music from Werner Herzog FIlms´ that originally appeared in 1982 on ZYX.

´Affenstunde´ is a rerelease of the original album, including title piece of the second album 'In Den Garten Pharaos'. Released on cassette and cd.

´Florian Fricke´ is a misleading release. Although not indicated on the cover or liner notes, this is a compilation of tracks taken from several albums. These titles have been translated of renamed in English. In the liner notes Gerhard Augustin falsely states here: “most of the recordings have not been released before”. But the opposite is the case. Tracks are taken from ‘Herz aus Glas’, ‘Einsjäger & Siebenjäder’and ‘Brüder des Schattens, Söhne de Lichts’


BLR 84 705 - Popol Vuh – Florian Fricke – 1991 – cd

BLR 84 706 - Popol Vuh – Affenstunde – 1991- cd

BLR 44 706 - Popol Vuh – Affenstunde - 1990 [ & 'In Den Garten Pharaos' - 17:26 ] - cs

BLR 84 710 - Popol Vuh – The Best Soundtracks from Werner Herzog Films – 1991 - cd

BLR 84 901 - Popol Vuh - Florian Fricke Spielt Mozart – 1991 - cd

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Spalax was the first label to compile an extensive reissue program (1992) of Popol Vuh releases.

‘Tantric Songs’ (14206) is listed on inside information of Spalax releases, but so far I have never came across this release.Possibly information is wrong, as ’Die Nacht der Seele’, subtitled ‘Tantric Songs’ is released with catalogue number 14206.

Inside the cover of the ‘Sinaï Desert’- video, the compilation ‘Movie Music’ is mentioned with catalogue number 14874. Up till now I couldn’t verify the release of this cd. According to information on several websites this release is identical with the compilation of the name name, released by Weltbild.

Between 1993 and 1997 Spalax rereleased many Popol Vuh albums. Some also on vinyl. Below I list only the verified releases.

‘Fitzcarraldo’ and ‘In den Garten Pharaos’ appeared for the first time by Spalax during this period. ‘Aguirre’ was released twice. The second release however contains partly different tracks from the 1992-rerelease.

Spalax did one original first release: ‘Messa di Orfeo’ in 1999. Several sources also speak of a video-release of ‘Messa di Orfeo’, however I have never seen a copy.

Also there appeared two 3-cd boxes on Spalax: ‘On the way to the Himalaya’and ‘Soundtracks for Werner Herzog’


1992-1993  [ all cd ]

14204 - Die Nacht der Seele -  [ 1992 on cover; 1993 on cd ]
14205 - Affenstunde
14206 - Tantric Songs
14207 - Yoga
14208 - Bruder des Schattens
14209 - Hosianna Mantra
14210 - Sei Still wisse ich bin
14211 - Das Hohelied Salomos
14212 - Nosferatu (On a little way) - [ 1992 on cover; 1993 on record ]
14213 - Letzte Tage Letzte nachte
14214 - Coeur de verre
14215 - Agape, Agape
14216 - Spirit of Peace
14217 - Seligpresung
14218 - Einsjaeger Siebenjaeger
14219 - Aguirre


14205 - Affenstunde - cd
14875 - In den Garten Pharaos - cd

......... - Hosianna Mantra - lp


14974 - Aguirre - cd  [ not identical with 14219 ]
14703 - Soundtracks for Werner Herzog - 3cd
14704 - On the way to Himalaya - 3cd
14876 - Fitzcaraldo - cd
14301 - Sinai Desert - video
14112 - Nosferatu (On the way to) - lp


14118 - Einsjager Siebenjager - lp


14562 - Messa di Orfeo - cd
......... - Messa di Orfeo  [ video? ]

Lees meer …Spalax



Mystic Records was an English musiclabel that released three Popol Vuh Albums

MYS CD 114 - Shepherd's Symphony - 1997

MYS CD 121 - Nicht Hoch im Himmel - 1998

MYS CD 151 - Future Sound Experience - 2002


Printscreens arre taken from the website of Mystic Records, archived by

The Wire magazine of february 2002 (nr.216), had an in memoriam by Gary Lucas. Besides we find this advertisement by Mystic Records in this issue, as well as an short review of the 'Future Sound Experience'-album: 

Lees meer …Mystic



The French Spalax-label did a first try rereleasing the complete Popol Vuh-catalogue. The german SPV label did a more ambitious second attempt.
Between 2004 and 2006 they rereleased all original albums on 19 cds, except four. The album ‘Spirit of Peace’ is not included due to problems with rights (Celestial Harmonies). Also ‘Yoga’, ‘City Raga’ and ‘Messa di Orfeo’ are not part of this program.

In 2010 they released the ‘The Werner Herzog Soundtracks’, a boxed set of 5 cds. [Aguirre, Nosferatu, Heart Of Glass, Fitzcarraldo, Cobra Verde].

In 2011 the double-cd ‘Remixed & Revisited: 1970-1999’ followed. Cd 1 compiles a selection of electronic tracks from Popol Vuh. Cd 2 contains tribute remixes.

In 2010 they released the ‘The Werner Herzog Soundtracks’, a boxed set of 5 cds. [Aguirre, Nosferatu, Heart Of Glass, Fitzcarraldo, Cobra Verde]. In 2011 the double-cd ‘Remixed & Revisited: 1970-1999’ followed. Cd 1 compiles a selection of electronic tracks from Popol Vuh. Cd 2 contains tribute remixes. In 2010 they released the ‘The Werner Herzog Soundtracks’, a boxed set of 5 cds. [Aguirre, Nosferatu, Heart Of Glass, Fitzcarraldo, Cobra Verde]. In 2011 the double-cd ‘Remixed & Revisited: 1970-1999’ followed. Cd 1 compiles a selection of electronic tracks from Popol Vuh. Cd 2 contains tribute remixes.



1. Affenstunde - SPV 70102
2. Aguirre [The Wrath Of God] - SPV 70142
3. Einsjäger & Siebenjäger - SPV 70152
4. Shepherd's Symphony [Hirtensymphonie] - SPV 70282


5. In den Garten Pharaos [In The Garden Of The Pharoahs] - SPV 70112
6. Hosianna Mantra - SPV 70122
7. Seligpreisung - SPV 70132
8. Nosferatu - SPV 70192
9. Agape-Agape Love-Love - SPV 70252


10. Das Hohelied Salomos - SPV 70162)
11. Letzte Tage Letzte Nächte - SPV 70172)
12. Coeur De Verre [Herz aus Glass] - SPV 70182
13. Die Nacht Der Seele [Tantric Songs] - SPV 70232
14. Fitzcarraldo - SPV 70202


15. Brüder Des Schattens - Söhne Des Lichts - SPV 70212
16. Cobra Verde - SPV 70262
17. For You And Me - SPV 70272
18. Sei Still, Wisse Ich Bin - SPV 70242
19. 70s Progressive - SPV 78592


Most of the recordings have been remastered by Frank Fiedler.
Each cd has a small - more or less the same - booklet included with short articles by Klaus Schulze, Michael Fuchs-Gamböck, Werner Herzog and Gerhard Augustin.


25 bonustracks have been added, distributed over 15 cds. ‘Shepherd’s Symphony’, ‘Nosferatu’, ‘Fitzcarraldo’ and ‘70s Progressive’ have no bonustracks.

1. Train Through Time - 10:30 (on: Affenstunde)

2. Aguirre III - 7:16 (on: Aguirre)

3. King Minos II - 1:55 (on: Einsjäger & Siebenjäger)
4. Wo bist du? - 5:42 (on: Einsjäger & Siebenjäger)

5. Kha-White Structures 1 - 10:14 (on: In den Garten Pharaos)
6. Kha-White Structures 2 - 10:09 (on: In den Garten Pharaos)

7. Maria (Ave Maria) - 4:30 (on: Hosianna Mantra)

8. Be in Love - 4:49 (on: Seligpreisung)

9. Circle Dance - 2:36 (on: Agape Agape)

10. In den Nächten auf den Gassen III - 2:10 (on: Das Hohelied Salomos)
11. Schön bist Du vor Menschensöhnen (alternative session) - 2:45 (on: Das Hohelied Salomos)
12. Mitten im Garten (alternative piano version) - 4:50 (on: Das Hohelied Salomos)

13. Wanderschaft-Wanderings - 5:56 (on: Letzte Tage, letzte Nächte)
14. Gib hin (session version) - 2:30 (on: Letzte Tage, letzte Nächte)
15. Haram Dei Ra (alternative version) - 6:32 (on: Letzte Tage, letzte Nächte)

16. Auf dem Weg (alternative guitar version) - 4:42 (on: Coeur de verre)
17. Hand in Hand (Agape guitar version) - 5:44 (on: Coeur de verre)

18. Mantram der Stirnberührung I - 2:16 (on: Die Nacht der Seele)
19. Zusammenkunft - 0:47 (on: Die Nacht der Seele)
20. Mantram de Stirnberührung II - 2:03 (on: Die Nacht der Seele)
21. Im Garten der Ruhe (piano session version) - 10:19 (on: Die Nacht der Seele)

22. Sing, for Song drives Away the Wolves - 4:15 (on: Brüder des Schattens, Söhne des Lichts)

23. Om Mani Padme Hum 4 (piano version) - 5:28 (on: Cobra Verde)

24. Om Mani Padme Hum 3 (piano version) - 4:31 (on: For You And Me)

25. King Minos III (studio version) - 5:02 (on: Sei still, wisse ICH BIN)

Information concerning recording date and musicians involved is missed. The assumption that the bonustracks date from the same period as the album they are included on, is not always the correct one. For example, 'Train Through Time' on 'Affenstunde' comes from the sessions for 'Messa di Orfeo'.

Only three of the bonustracks have been released earlier. 'Maria (Ave Maria)' and 'Be in Love' were released as a single in 1972. 'Sing, for Song Drives Away the Wolves' is almost if not completely the same version as found on the album by the same name.


Two different booklets were compiled for this edtion: Booklet A; Booklet B

Lees meer …SPV